Thursday, 4 September 2014

Pop music conventions

After looking at numerous pop music videos a few things are evident; they are mainly performance based. Using their performance and their props/costumes they convey the emotions of their song and the story, be it about a sad heart break or the happiness of falling into new love etc. It appeals to a younger audience and the performers tend to be dressed up in the latest and coolest fashion, they are particularly mainstream.
The locations are normally places that show a good fun time or mood e.g beaches or events with friends.


  1. You were really good at summing up the main key points, however i believe you should extend your reasons if possible an example of this would be the props/costume, in this case you could have had spoken about the colours used (colour of clothes) and what those colours represent.

  2. Great summary of your research
    Write how you can implement these conventions into your piece, or what your piece can include depending on the song
    Write what the conventions connote and why
